Miami Weather Links from BBYRA
The following links are provided as a guide to the local weather in Biscayne Bay.
We ask that you consider all aspects of the weather prior to making any decision on sailing either in the bay or further out.
This information is intended as a
guide only.
These links are to other web servers and may not always be
click on bar for weather
forecast from WUNDERGROUND - Miami.
WindGuru is a service specialized for forecasting weather, Forecasts are based on data produced by weather forecast models. Important: The forecasts you can see on this website are definitely not official forecasts
NOAA Forecast for South East Florida, updated every few minutes
Storm forecasts - Compliments of the US Navy
Wind Contour Map for the next 48 hours. This may take a minute or so to load.
Coastal Waters Forecast for Biscayne Bay from the National Weather Service, text file updated regularly.
Tides at Dinner Key Marina (near to Biscayne Bay Yacht Club) for the next 48 hours, plus you can also use the prediction features to approximate tides on a future date. This may take a minute or so to load.
National Data Buoy Center FWYF1 - Fowey Rocks, FL providing current wind speeds and directions, tides and also conditions for the past few days.
I Windsurf - has free general info and more detailed info you can subscribe to.
Predictwind has a Weather Routing option, the free version does not avoid land but can give a good idea of course to sail, This is more for cruising than racing. A free account may be required to access the service if you don't already have one.